Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Health Benefits of White Rice vs Brown Rice vs Black Rice

Health Benefits of White Rice

That’s right. white rice has health benefits. For years, if not centuries, Asians have been eating white rice for many dishes and it’s no surprise that their instances of obesity and diabetes were lower than their western counterparts.
Two reasons: What’s being served with it and how it’s processed. Polished white rice is stripped of all the nutrients that make it a worthy and viable source of nutrition. That’s why a lot of the white rice in the stores are vitamin fortified because the polished rice is nothing more than refined starch. Natural, unpolished white rice has many health benefits including:
  • Protein – for every 150g, rice has about 5 grams of protein
  • Gastrointestinal – Because it’s low in fiber and easily digested, white rice is great for relieving diarrhea and even morning sickness
  • Muscle building – Muscles need amino acids to grow and rice is a great source
  • Overall energy – the body needs carbohydrates to function and white rice is an excellent source.

Benefits of Brown Rice

Brown rice is the talk of the town and, according to many in the health and wellness field, a much better option than white rice hands down. Brown rice comes when the outermost hull of the grain is removed and plenty of nutrients left. Brown rice has:

  • Fiber – it’s an excellent source of dietary fiber which helps to keep the colon healthy
  • Manganese – Keeps bones healthy and helps the people with insulin resistance maintain healthy blood sugar levels
  • Selenium – found in nuts, selenium helps to counter the effects of free radicals.
  • Magnesium – like manganese, it promotes health bones but it also helps with proper blood circulation
Brown rice is more nutritionally dense and has a flavor that some people don’t like; instead of boiling in water, some choose broth or even coconut milk.

So what is black rice?

Black rice is an heirloom rice that is black when raw but purple when cooked. The color is due to the presence of anthocyanin, the same pigment that is present in dark red, blue and purple fruits such as blackberries, blueberries and cherries. Anthocyanin is a natural anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory that is linked to lowering cholesterol and preventing chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. In addition to being high in fiber, black rice is rich in iron.
Of all three, black rice is the least known and least prevalent but its benefits are profound. Rice is a versatile food with many health benefits that’s a great source of energy. It goes well with a most forms of protein like fish, meats, beans and vegetables so it can be doctored. At the end of the day, the kind of rice you prefer depends on many factors including flavor and taste.

Black rice nutritious facts

riceBlack rice is currently one of the healthiest food types that can be obtained today. Packed with a wide array of nutrients, black rice has a very rich and interesting history. As most people know, rice is a base food source in Asia. During the years when China was ruled by an emperor, black rice was dubbed as the "Forbidden Rice". It was cultivated in very small amounts because it was only for the emperor's consumption. Although no such ban is being practiced nowadays, black rice is still very much produced in low amounts, especially when compared to brown and white rice

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/039806_black_rice_antioxidants_health_benefits.html#ixzz2hoSsz5Is

Black rice: Rare yet highly nutritious

What is organic farming?

A bundle of carrotsPut simply, organic farming is an agricultural system that seeks to provide you, the consumer, with fresh, tasty and authentic food while respecting natural life-cycle systems.


To achieve this, organic farming relies on a number of objectives and principles, as well as common practices designed to minimise the human impact on the environment, while ensuring the agricultural system operates as naturally as possible.
Typical organic farming practices include:
  • Wide crop rotation as a prerequisite for an efficient use of on-site resources
  • Very strict limits on chemical synthetic pesticide and synthetic fertiliser use, livestock antibiotics, food additives and processing aids and other inputs
  • Absolute prohibition of the use of genetically modified organisms
  • Taking advantage of on-site resources, such as livestock manure for fertiliser or feed produced on the farm
  • Choosing plant and animal species that are resistant to disease and adapted to local conditions
  • Raising livestock in free-range, open-air systems and providing them with organic feed
  • Using animal husbandry practices appropriate to different livestock species

Supply chain

But organic farming is also part of a larger supply chain, which encompasses food processing, distribution and retailing sectors and, ultimately, you. Each link in this supply chain is designed to play an important role in delivering the benefits associated with organic food production across a wide range of areas detailed elsewhere on this website, including:
So every time you buy an organic apple from your local supermarket, or choose a wine made from organic grapes from the menu at your favourite restaurant, you can be sure they were produced according to strict rules aimed at respecting the environment and animals.

Monday, July 1, 2013

How To Plant Guyabano

Soil and climate requirements. The plant grows in any kind of soil, but a fairly deep, friable soil of volcanic origin is conducive to growth and fruiting. It thrives very well from sea level up to 500 meters above sea level. It is best to plant them at the start of the rainy season.
guyabano with unyangMethod of propagation are thru:
1) grafting
2) cuttings
3) marcotting
4) and budding
Planting distance should be three to four meters apart. Can be harvested after two to three years with an expected yield of 3.7 ton per hectare.
Fertilizer Application
Planting Time. Use 250-300 gms. Complete fert. (14-14-14) or (12-24-12). Apply 3 inches below the roots and 5 inches to side  of seeding at planting. Eight cm below roots and 10 cm to the side.
Young trees (1-3 years). Use 300-500 g of complete fert. (14-14-14) or (12-24-12) plus 200-300 g urea (45-0-0). Mix and apply in two equal doses by digging along periphery of the tree. First application – start of the rainy season. Second application – end rainy season.
Fruit Bearing Trees. Use 1.5-3.0 kg complete fertilizer plus 200-300 g  Muriate of potash (0-0-60). Apply as above.
Fruits are mature when they become dark and shiny green with re-curved spines set far apart and the skin appearing to burst with pressure from within. Ripe fruits are light yellow and soft.
information was source from da.gov.ph